Percha Dimakamkan di Gandus, Herman Deru Merasa Kehilangan

PALEMBANG – Hari ini Jumat (20/8/2021) almarhumah Percha Leanpuri putri sulung Gubernur Sumsel, Herman Deru yang meninggal dunia pasca-operasi caesar dan sempat menjalani perawatan di RSMH Palembang, Kamis (19/8/2021) dimakamkan di pemakaman keluarga TPU Gandus Palembang. 

Sebelum dimakamkan, jenazah anggota DPR RI dari partai Nasdem itu pun  disalatkan di Griya Agung kemudian dimakamkan di area pemakaman keluarga di TPU Gandus, Palembang, Jumat (20/8/2021) sekitar pukul 10.20 WIB.

Prosesi pemakaman juga dihadiri sejumlah pejabat di lingkungan Pemprov Sumsel, serta kerabat dan sahabat almarhum. Herman Deru beserta keluarga meninggalkan area pemakaman pada pukul 11.08. WIB.

Gubernur Sumsel, Herman Deru, menyampaikan rasa kehilangan yang mendalam atas kepergian putrinya tersebut. Menurutnya, Percha merupakan anak yang patuh pada orang tua dan agama.

“Kami ikhlas. Semoga Allah STW menempatkannya di tempat terbaik,” katanya.

Deru juga menyampaikan terima kasih kepada tim medis RSMH Palembang dan RSUD Siti Fatimah yang sebelumnya sudah terlibat merawat Percha.

“Semoga suami dan tiga anaknya beserta keluarga yang ditinggalkan jadi orang yang ikhlas dan tabah,” katanya.

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  1. We hope your kids enjoy these Simon Says actions. You can even get the whole family involved in this fun game. This sketch uses several user-defined functions. These functions perform operations that are needed many times in the program (for example, reading which button is currently pressed or turning all of the LEDs off). Functions are essential to make more complex programs readable and compact. Discover several new games that we’ve added to our collection! Simon is a game of short-term memory skill that creates a series of tones and lights, and requires a user to repeat the sequence. Your goal behind Simon Says is to have all the players follow the order that a fictional character Simon has made. If the order does not start with the words “Simon Says” the players may choose to ignore the order.
    HTML5 games work in all browsers and do not require the installation of plugins Interested in following the DASH diet? Here are sample menus to get you started. The PlayFirst Diner Dash 2 Control Object is required to play the online version of this game. If you do not have this controller, you will be prompted to download it when launching the online version of this game. Diner Dash 2 is a fast paced puzzle game that follows the same theme and style as the original offering. The game promises to be just as much fun as the original but with plenty of fresh challenges to complete. Try to leave as many satisfied guests as possible. To do this, do not make visitors wait too long, because they do not like it much. Place guests at suitable tables, take the order for the desired dish, and then bring it out as soon as the chef is ready. Don’t forget to pick up the money and clear the tables to receive the next customers. Try to serve as many guests as possible before the restaurant closes, as indicated by the red circle at the bottom of the screen. At the end of the day you can improve your restaurant to attract even more guests.

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